Ember Speech Services

Ember Speech Pathology is dedicated to offering individualised and personalised mobile services to clients of all ages. We work with young children, adolescents, teenagers and adults, and tailor our assessment and therapy to meet each person’s needs while also integrating their interests. Our therapists work closely with families, care givers and other professionals to provide holistic care for each individual.

We provide assessment and specialist therapy services to individuals with a wide range of communication and feeding difficulties, including:

  • Speech sound difficulties
  • Developmental Language Disorder
  • Language difficulties including understanding and following instructions, and using language and expressing themselves
  • Social skills
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Selective mutism
  • Attention and Learning difficulties
  • Auditory Processing difficulties
  • Feeding difficulties (Dysphagia) for children and adults
  • Sensory feeding difficulties
  • Fluency difficulties such as stuttering/stammering

Ember Speech Pathology is certified in and able to deliver the following specialist therapy programs:

  • Hanen © More Than Words
  • Hanen © Talkability
  • SOS © (sequential oral sensory) Approach to Feeding


Preschool Speech and Language Screeners

Speech and Language Screeners are a useful tool that helps to determine a child’s communication skills and identify any children who are struggling with or at risk of speech and language difficulties who may require specialist assessment and support. Screeners are especially beneficial for children who will be transitioning to kindergarten as they can determine whether a child has the communication skills needed for formal schooling. Ember Speech Pathology provides screening services to preschools and day cares by attending a centre, screening a child individually, and providing results and recommendations following the screening.

Please contact Ember Speech Pathology for more information regarding Speech and Language Screeners.